Sunday, April 26, 2009


Hi! In preparation for my Stake Newsletter article in May, I would like to pose a question for discussion.

The question is, "What are the similarities between us and the Prophet Joseph Smith?"

Obviously there are a lot of differences, but I would appreciate any thoughts you might have on the similarities between us and our individual situations and Joseph Smith's situation.

I think this could be fun!



Well, I am nothing like the Prophet...I do not think I could do and go through what he went through... except I do believe in a loving Heavenly Father that hears and answers prayers. I hope that I can become as strong as Joseph was and as loving. When I think of the prophet I am over come with love and gratitude for him. I hope to meet him on the other side and thank him.


The one similarity that jumps out at me is that he has times of increased/decreased obedience and spirituality. Sometimes I wonder if the prophets are perfect and always on a spiritual high, as we learn from Brother Joseph this is not always the case. Now his lows are probably higher than my highs, but we all go through this.

Becca and Ashton said...

i think that we are similar in wanting to find truth. Everyone wants to find meaning in life. By seeking the truth in life he did what many try to do, get answers. Now, because he prayed and found answers the church was formed and I was born with material to get the answers I had. Does that make sense?????

sarah jean said...

i think we are similar because just like him we have to "fight" for the church or the truth. maybe not the same way joseph and the pioneers had to fight, but we still have to stand up for what we know to be true even when the world tells us we're wrong.


Excellant answers...i have smart children

Rachel said...

I think we are similar in that we all go through trials, and what do we do when that happens. I have a friend that just got back from Winter Quarters and she said that while she probably won't ever have to do that, she has trials of her own to do that. We just have to learn from Joseph's example of what to do with those trials.

DJCK incorporated said...

I like to think he was more down-to-earth than the ensuing prophets. He could laugh, wrestle and play as well as have the spiritual mantle. I like to think I'm kinda like that.